Atlantic Treaty Association – ATA, kao krovna organizacija atlantskih vijeća država članica NATO-a i partnerskih država, održalo je redovnu opću skupštinu 4. i 5. prosinca 2024. u Bruxellesu. U izaslanstvu Atlantskog vijeća Hrvatske su bili Mladen Nakić, predsjednik AVH-a i Viktor Meczner, član YATA-e (mladi AVH-a). Organiziran je posjet SHAPE-u i sjedištu NATO-a, a rasprava je pokazala jednoglasnu želju za potrebom transformacije ATA-e sukladno novim okolnostima u svijetu i uloge NATO-a u promjenjenim međunarodnim odnosima. Na sjednici OS ATA-e je sudjelovala i zamjenica glavnog tajnika NATO-a Radmila Šekerinska te Marie-Doha Besancenot, NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy.
The General Assembly (GA) of the Atlantic Treaty Association, ATA, the umbrella organization of the Atlantic Councils of NATO member and partner states was held on December 4 and 5 2024 in Brussels. The delegation of the Atlantic council of Croatia (ACC) was represented by dr. Mladen Nakić, president of ACC and Viktor Meczner, member of YATA (youth of ACC). The discussion at the ATA GA as well as during the visit to SHAPE and the NATO HQ showed a unanimous support for the need to transform the ATA in accordance with the new circumstances in the world and the role of NATO in changed international environment. The NATO Deputy Secretary Ms Radmila Šekerinska also participated in the session of ATA GA as well as Ms Marie-Doha Besancenot, NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy.
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