As the last activity within the project “Countering gendered disinformation – Building the resilience of societies and promotion of values”, sponsored by NATO PDD, a Handbook was published with the title: “NATO and Western Balkan – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”. It is available on this Atlantic Council of Croatia website, under Publications, with the following direct link:
The publication has ISBN Number and will be listed in the online catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb. It is a product of efforts of our association to raise the awareness on the importance of NATO’s role in keeping peace and stability, in sharing Euro-Atlantic values, in building resilience of societies and countering disinformation, especially gendered disinformation.
The analysis, made by the authors: Monika Begovic PhD and Ljubica Pendaroska MSc, is based on research and results of a survey previously conducted and shared among the youth in the region, that were presented in a Case Study within the Handbook. For those studying international relations and are interested in this part of the world – SEE and specifically Western Balkan region and role of NATO in keeping peace and stability could find this publication very helpful.